Welcome to CCGS
 The Champaign County Genealogical Society (CCGS) welcomes new members whether they are researching extensively in Champaign County, Illinois, or have no ancestors at all to research in our county. The Society promotes genealogical and historical research and aids in the publication, dissemination, and preservation of genealogical and historical material. We invite you to join us.
Upcoming CCGS Meetings
Upcoming meeting dates, topics, and registration for virtual meetings can be accessed by clicking here or using the "Meetings/Events" menu on the left.
Membership Benefits
Join CCGS and receive the following benefits as a CCGS member: access to all quarterlies, webinar archives, presentation materials, and the Champaign County birth and death records. For all of the benefits and how to join CCGS click here or the *Join CCGS* menu.
Our monthly meetings are free and open to the public. However, members have access to 30+ webinar recordings and handouts on our webinar archives page. Below is a 1-minute webinar trailer for Cherié Weible's January 2022 presentation, Lost and Found: The Trail of Vina Fisher and the Eight Husbands. The full presentation is available to members. Consider becoming a member today.
CCGS Appears on ciLiving
CCGS President and Vice-President appeared on ciLiving. Watch the interview, click here.
Find us on Facebook
 Follow CCGS on facebook.
Member of the National Genealogical Society
CCGS is an Associate Member of ISGS